An introduction

I studied at The College of Integrated Chinese Medicine (CICM), the top place in the UK for learning acupuncture. After three and a half years, I graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Acupuncture. The program there was unique—it mixed modern approaches to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with ancient practices like the Five Elements philosophy, preparing us to treat patients holistically.

Being a member of the British Acupuncture Council means I’m committed to maintaining high standards in my practice. I take annual courses to keep my skills sharp and my knowledge up to date.

I'm also registered with the Professional Standards Authority (PSA), which is a testament to my commitment to providing excellent patient care.

My hands-on experience includes a fulfilling nine months at CICM’s student clinic, where I worked with a wide range of patients. This experience cemented my belief in the holistic benefits of acupuncture, not just treating symptoms but enhancing overall well-being.

Now, I'm thrilled to be part of the team at AcuMassey clinic in Brighton and Hove, where I started this past August. I’m excited to continue this journey with you.

My fascination with acupuncture started early—I was just two when I first became captivated by its potential to heal. That curiosity has stayed with me, shaping my path in profound ways.

One of the defining moments in my life was a 53-day rowing trip with my older brother. We rowed in shifts, day and night, to raise over £112,000 for skin cancer research. It was tough but incredibly rewarding, and it made me realise that my true calling was in acupuncture. This challenge laid the foundation for my future.

I've always felt a deep connection to those who are hurting, both physically and mentally. My empathy drives my passion for helping people heal through acupuncture, which I see as a way to transform lives.